Vash Provisor ئاپەکان

Ваш Провизор — заказ лекарств 1.3.1
Vash Provisor
Do you know that according to Roszdravnadzor more than 1500 batchesof medicines in 2016 have been withdrawn, ranging from defectiveParacetamol to top price medicines fakes? Such drugs at best do notgive the proper therapeutic effect, and in the worst they can harmyour health. Take care of your health – mobile application VashProvisor allows you to quickly check the medication in your homemedkit or at any pharmacy immediately after purchase . Install thefree app now to check out all your medicines. Vash Provisor onAndroid is: ► A quick check of medicines Just scan the barcodeusing the application. This is important because poor quality orcounterfeit drug may harm your health ► Pills reminder Takemedication on a schedule with convenient reminders. The intake oftablets and other dosage forms is easily adjusted and automaticallychanges the remnants in your medicine kit as you take the medicine► Medication Guides You can always look through medication guideyou need, including manufacturer, country of origin, composition,dosage and contraindications ► Virtual copy of home medkit Scan themedicine from your box and start keeping records of medicines youhave and tracking the expiration dates. Be sure that you alwayshave the medicine you need at home, at working place, in car orwherever you keep your medicines ► Recipe Organizer Do not need tocarry a paper recipe or write on scraps of paper. Keep virtualcopies of your recipes from the doctor and make notes in yourorganizer if necessary ► Easy search for drugs in pharmacies andprice comparison Staying at home, you can find out the cost of anydrug. Now pharmacies in the city are on your screen. Currently itworks only for Moscow ► Instantly find nearby pharmacies Addressesand telephone numbers of pharmacies will be always at hand.Currently it works only for Moscow At the pharmacy, at home and inthe office Vash Provisor will be always with you! Mobileapplication " Vash Provisor " is the only possible form of anonline pharmacy according to the law of the Russian Federation: thebuyer can find the pharmacy and reserve the necessary medicine inorder to make the purchase. Only real pharmacies are presented inthe application, in which you can come, having a valid licenses andfulfilling the requirements for storing medicines. Hint: In theRussian Federation, it is prohibited to sell medicines outside thefixed places of commerce (pharmacies), including via the Internettelecommunication network (remotely), by virtue of clause 4 of theRules for the Sale of Certain Types of Goods, approved by DecreeNo. 55 of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19,1998 : When selling retail products at the location of the buyeroutside the fixed places of trade: at home, at work and school, intransport, on the street and in other places, the sale of medicinalproducts is not permitted. Delivery to the house is legal as anexception only for certain preferential categories of citizens. *Beaware! All information are for preliminary study of medicationeffect. Before medication use, please, consult with your doctor **The drugs are checked on the basis of the register of the FederalService for Supervision of Health Care (the register of medicinesROSZRAVNADZOR) *** The term "Vash Provisor", used in the mobileapplication and description, is solely the name of the application(program) ***Important! Looking for pharmacies and medicines,checking their availability, looking through medication guidesrequires an Internet connection. Information sources: RLS LLC,Donnik LLC, UNISCAN/GS1 RUS